Mozaik Art and Culture Center invites you to apply for our group exhibition opening February 9th! We are happy and excited to be with you again works created representing diverse themes and techniques.
“We succeeded together, we worked together, we endured together, we came together, we searched together, we found together, we rejoiced, we were sad, we cried, we laughed, we overcame, we fought, we endured… ” We look forward to seeing the picture of every story you start with the word “Together…”
Our Art Gallery does not receive any commission from the sale of the works sold during the group exhibition. The proceeds of the sale of the work are fully delivered to the artisans. We only receive the exhibition fee for the works that pass the jury’s preliminary selection and are deemed worthy of exhibition, and this fee is 600 TL for the first square meter, and 300 TL for each subsequent square meter.
Application Deadline: January 26, 2024
For more information and to apply click here!